
This workshop is designed to introduce the activist and theatre artist to the most recent developments in theatrical activism. Questions to be explored include: how are Theatre & Activism being combined in the electronic age, how can activists use theatricality to enhance their campaigns, and how can theatre artists activize their work in support of social justice?
By examining the theories and techniques of Artaud, Brecht, Debord, Boal, Boyd, Mann and others, theoretical connections will be made with recent new forms of activist theatre. We will explore philosophical approaches such as Situationist Theory, meme-warfare, and Reflectionism, as well as dramatic techniques: culture-jamming, Viral Theatre (eg: traditional and spontaneous), Sousveillance Theatre, role-appropriation, Electronic Disturbance Theater, and Global Invisible Theatre. Corporate co-opting of techniques will also be examined: stealth marketing, identity branding, and reality advertising. The workshop will include presentation, performance, discussion, and group participation.
This workshop has already been held in Montreal, at the Toronto, Ottawa, and Alberta Social Forums, at the Convergence in New Orleans, and for THAW (Theatres Against War) in New York City.
Please note that this workshop can be brought to your community, however we ask that you provide transportation from Montreal, billeting, and an honourarium of $50/day per facilitator. Also, the workshop described here signifies an introduction to the topics. Longer workshops, collaborations, residencies, and courses are available to suit your needs.
To book our workshop or for more information please call 514-842-1467 or email