Reclaim the Main challenge
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009What will you do to preserve the Main’s historic status, promote the interests of those who live and work there and protect against corporate intrusions?
What will you do to preserve the Main’s historic status, promote the interests of those who live and work there and protect against corporate intrusions?
Today is the beginning of “MainFest”, a 3 day “street fair” on St. Laurent Boulevard, or “The Main” Historic site. The boulevard will be completely closed to traffic and is expected to receive an estimated 300 000 visitors. According to The Société de développement du boulevard Saint-Laurent (SDBSL), organizers of “MainFest” and other “street fairs”: […]
So what’s the Montreal infringement festival going to be like this year? Good question! While the infringement may have been mentioned several times on this blog already and anyone who knows OTL has heard of the festival, we have never really discussed it in any detail in this space. The sixth consecutive edition of the […]
It’s New Year’s Eve, so what better time to look back on the past year and the year ahead. 2008 was a busy one for OTL on several fronts: Sinking Neptune II: We adapted our verbatim theatre critique of Canada’s “first play” Lescarbot’s Theatre of Neptune in New France and those remounting it, racism against […]
A towering billboard has finally been removed from The Main historic site, causing a collective sigh of relief from local residents who had been subjected to its gigantic advertisements since March, 2008. The 2-storey-high billboard was wrapped around a building on the South-East corner of St. Laurent and Sherbrooke, and for seven months citizens have […]