“Critical Report from the World Fringe Congress” to hit Europe’s Fringes!

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

When infringement festival founder Donovan King was invited to the first-ever World Fringe Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, he thought there had been a mistake! After being kicked out of the Montreal Fringe Festival in 2001 for criticizing a corporate sponsor, King has made a point of crusading to protect Fringe Festivals from excessive corporate interference in order […]

OTL brings three shows to the Buffalo infringement festival!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

The 8th annual Buffalo infringement festival runs from July 26 – August 5, 2012, and this year Optative Theatrical Laboratories (OTL) will be in attendance for the entire duration! The Buffalo infringement festival is a both world leader in grassroots arts management and the largest arts festival in Western New York. This year, OTL will be presenting three […]

Infringement season is upon us! Collaborators welcome!

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

The infringement season is upon us, and it is looking to be a red letter year for the global network of festivals!  With four unique infringement festivals on offer in both Canada and the USA, it is going to be a great summer for both infringers, new and old, and audiences seeking daring and authentic arts! The […]