Haunted Montreal announces Public Season and Blog!

Montreal is widely-regarded as the most haunted city in Canada, prompting thrill-seekers and ghost-hunters to visit in greater and greater numbers every year. The haunted tourism industry is booming as visitors seek out ghost tours, haunted hotels, paranormal investigations and other terrifying experiences!

To support this growing obsession with ghosts, hauntings and the paranormal, Haunted Montreal is expanding with a season of public tours, starting on Friday, May 22! Also, a monthly blog that focuses on Montreal ghost stories will be published on the 13th of every month!

Last Hallowe’en, Haunted Montreal offered the Haunted Downtown ghost tour after years of Haunted Mountain, leading ghostly rambles up the slopes of Mount Royal. Haunted Downtown sold out all 8 shows and there were many inquiries into Haunted Mountain.

Haunted Montreal logo with URL

As such, due to popular demand, both Haunted Mountain and Haunted Downtown ghost tours will be offered to the public in 2015!

Starting with Haunted Mountain on Friday, May 22, the ghost tours will operate on an alternating, weekly basis for the entire summer! Full details, including descriptions of the tours, availability and prices, can be found at on the Haunted Montreal Website.

Launched on May 13th, the Haunted Montreal Blog aims to become the place for people to delve into Montreal’s haunted culture and to build a community of people interested in exploring the city’s dark side. Authored by horror-expert Donovan King, the founder of Haunted Montreal, the blog is bilingual and focuses on a different Montreal ghost story every month.

“We are always looking for Montreal ghost stories that we haven’t heard of yet,” said King. “We always invite people with a haunted tale to get in touch.  I can use my skills as a historical researcher to dig deeply into various archives to learn more about the story and conduct interviews, if necessary,” added King.

The final phase is where things get really interesting, according to King: “Once all the research is complete, we can speculate the reasons behind the haunting and can even follow up with a paranormal investigation, if necessary! If you have a story about a Montreal ghost, Haunted Montreal is dying to hear from you!”

King is also inviting fans of Montreal ghost stories, hauntings and the paranormal to sign up to the mailing list to receive the Haunted Montreal Blog on the 13th of every month!

Listen to Kate McGillivray’s interview with Donovan King. Conducted in Dominion Square (a.k.a. Saint-Antoine Cholera Cemetery), McGillivray and King discuss the blog, public season and local ghost stories on CBC Homerun (Radio One).


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Sainte Antione Cemetery Limits

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