Archive for the 'Culture-jams' Category

Mask ban protesters take to the streets

Friday, February 27th, 2009

If you thought that the City of Montreal postponing the vote on its controversial anti-mask bylaw would silence the amendment’s opponents, you’d only have to look to the streets Monday night to know how wrong you were. Protesters clad in masks met at Berri Square and after a speech took to the streets, literally. This […]

Plains of Abraham Aftermath: First Nations Healing Ceremony or Eurocentric debate?

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Now that the plan to re-enact the Plains of Abraham colonial war has been canned, a debate is brewing about what should replace the event that was designed to mark the 250 year anniversary. While the National Battlefield Commission is blaming “separatist threats of violence” for the cancellation, it is becoming increasingly clear that there was very little appetite in […]

Bury the Red Apple

Monday, February 16th, 2009

In Armenia a very old rite called “The Red Apple” marks the woman’s loss of virginity following the night of her wedding. It can be argued that this symbolizes much more than simply a “loss of virginity”, indeed, the symbolism of the celebration is very violent. Armenians celebrate weddings by chanting and dancing outside and […]

Plains of Abraham Battle Heats Up

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

A battle is heating up in Quebec City regarding the Plains of Abraham, but it isn’t exactly the sort of fight that the National Battlefields Commission was hoping for. As reported earlier 2009 marks the 250th anniversary of the infamous Plains of Abraham battle at Quebec City that signified the defeat of “New France” to British imperialists, and […]

Infringing this summer

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

So what’s the Montreal infringement festival going to be like this year?  Good question! While the infringement may have been mentioned several times on this blog already and anyone who knows OTL has heard of the festival, we have never really discussed it in any detail in this space.  The sixth consecutive edition of the […]

Bal Masqué un grand succès!!! Theatrical Masquerade Ball challenges Montreal’s anti-mask bylaw

Friday, January 30th, 2009

On Monday night over 50 masked protesters descended on City Hall for a Masquerade Ball protest – the Bal Masqué. Organized by an ad hoc collective known as Le Gros Bon Sens, the masked demonstration aimed to challenge the anti-mask bylaw the City of Montreal is attempting to pass as part of its larger “Public […]

Mask update: a call to action

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

After it was announced here and other places that the city of Montreal was seeking to ban masks at protests, people opposed have not been silent and it seems that this issue will not go away. And why should it? This incursion on our rights to free expression has even garnered opponents in more conservative […]

Cars, stories and people

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

Of all the projects OTL has created, Car Stories is most certainly the longest-running, at times has been the most controversial and if it wasn’t for the infringement Festival, a true viral phenomenon, it would undoubtedly be the best known. In a nutshell, Car Stories is a play containing several shorter plays, a piece of […]

Where to sleep

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Anyone who’s been outside in Montreal lately will be able to tell you that it’s cold out there.  This is obviously most relevant to the city’s homeless. There are some in Montreal who are compassionate about their plight and others who take steps to empower them through art, namely those involved in the annual État […]

2008 in the Optative Theatrical Laboratories

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

It’s New Year’s Eve, so what better time to look back on the past year and the year ahead.  2008 was a busy one for OTL on several fronts: Sinking Neptune II: We adapted our verbatim theatre critique of Canada’s “first play” Lescarbot’s Theatre of Neptune in New France and those remounting it, racism against […]