If the shoe fits…

By now everyone has seen the video or at very least heard the story of how Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi threw not one but two shoes at George W. Bush.  Most people have probably also seen some of the parodies and offshoots (forgive the pun) circulating around the internet.  There’s even a game!

What you may not know is that al-Zaidi suffered broken arms and ribs as a result of being roughed up by security and could face up to seven years in jail.  That’s a little harsh, considering his crime was only a little more dangerous than throwing a pie in someone’s face.

Over the past week, protests have erupted all around the Middle East in solidarity with al-Zaidi and demanding his immediate release.  Tomorrow, solidarity with al-Zaidi comes to Montreal in the form of the Montreal Shoe Action being organized by Block the Empire.

People are invited to meet at 1pm in front of the US Consulate (1155 St-Alexandre, métro McGill) and bring their old shoes to throw.  The action is also a statement against the occupation of Iraq and Canada’s complicity in the US-led “war on terror” by having troops in Afghanistan.

Theatricalizing a political demonstration is one thing.  Protesting the arrest of someone who threw a shoe is already theatrical to begin with.

And for those of you who have no TV and had no internet access until today and therefore haven’t seen it, or for those of you who just want to see the shoe toss again, here it is:

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