Consulate occupation: Judy Rebick arrested

protestors inside the consulate, photo Judy Rebick for

protestors inside the Israeli consulate (photo Judy Rebick for

Preceding yesterday’s presentation of an eviction notice by activists to the Israeli consulate in Montreal, a group of Jewish women were arrested for occupying the Israeli consulate in Toronto on Wednesday in protest of the Israeli attack on Gaza, among them were filmmaker BH Yael, psychanalyst Judith Deutsch and professor Judy Rebick.

Rebick, a prominent feminist and activist is probably best known for her book Ten Thousand Roses: The Making of a Feminist Revolution. She is also a former CBC host and commentator, member of the NDP (where she strove to make the party more activist), the founder of and an organizer of the Toronto Social Forum.

She brought Andrew Boyd, founder of the Billionaires for Bush to host his Culture Jamming 101 Workshop the forum in 2003 along with OTL’s Revolutionary Theatre: Culture-Jamming and Theatrical Activism workshop.

Just as inviting theatrical activists to the social forum at Ryerson in 2003 demonstrated Rebick’s understanding of the importance of an artistic approach to activism and her ability to stay ahead of the curve, her actions this week show that she isn’t just about theory and doesn’t rest on her accomplishments, either. Rather, she is someone who still gets her hands dirty when the cause is important to her.

Here’s a video of what happened:

One Response to “Consulate occupation: Judy Rebick arrested”

  1. OTL Blog » Blog Archive » Judy Rebick launches “Transforming Power” - essential reading for activists! Says:

    […] change in various Leftist circles such as feminism, socialism, and arts activism. She was recently arrested for occupying the Israeli consulate in protest against the bombing of Gaza. Judy Rebick is the founder of, helped create […]

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